Why are there so many personal injury attorneys?


Injuries and accidents are far too common in the U.S.  Tens of thousands of people are injured each year.  In many cases the injured persons will need the representation of an attorney.  Advertising is a good way for attorneys to connect with injury people to help them win compensation for their injuries.

The national statistics for injury and violence in the United States is a clear indication of why there is so much advertising.

Injury and Violence in the U.S. Annually:*

  • 199,800 people die each year from Injuries and violence in the U.S.
  • Total cost from injuries and violence: $671 billion in medical & work loss costs in 2013.
  • For every person that dies 13 are hospitalized and 135 are treated in an emergency room.

*All figures based on Current CDC data

Unintentional Injuries in the U.S. Annually:**

  • Nearly 35,400 people died in motor vehicle crashes
  • More than 14,800 people died from prescription opioid overdoses
  • 2,792,000 older people were treated in emergency rooms for fall injuries each year
  • 325,000 kids treated for sports and recreation related concussions in and emergency room

**Prescription opioid overdoses represent all intents including unintentional, intentional, or undetermined. All figures based on Current CDC data.

The number of people injured or killed in accidents each year is astounding.  May of these injuries and deaths are caused by the negligence and irresponsible actions of others.  When an injury or death occurred through no fault of the injured person the responsible party can be held accountable for their actions or neglect.

Often the responsible party is unwilling to accept full responsibility for the accident. In these cases the best way to motive the responsible party to provide fair and proper compensation is to hire an attorney.  An attorney can navigate the complex and difficult process of negotiating a settlement and or bringing the case to court.

There is a growing resistance for the responsible party or their insurance company to offer a fair settlement. Every dollar they pay out in claims is a dollar less the company will earn in profit.  They are highly motivated to pay as little as possible to settle your claim. In addition, it is to their advantage to lengthen the settlement process as much as possible.

Most serious injury claims fall into the hands of an insurance company.  The company has experience and resources that gives them an unfair advantage over the injured person. This is why you need an attorney to help you.

The good news is when you are represented by a personal injury attorney in most cases you will pay no fees unless receive compensation.  However, you will agree to share a portion of your compensation with your attorney.  The amount will vary based on difficulty and value of your case.  Your attorney will advise you of the shared amount before the process is started. This system allows anyone with a legitimate claim to obtain legal representation.  Without this system the injured people would be at an extreme disadvantage in the settlement process.

Data source:  http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/overview/key_data.html


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